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Arduino in undergraduate lab

Writer's picture: CASILabCASILab

Updated: Mar 2, 2021


Recently the 'Undergraduate Project' has become an integral part of B Sc (Phys Hons) curriculum of 'Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)' introduced by UGC. Keeping pace with this change, several Indian universities have adopted ARDUINO based experiments in their practical syllabus to give the students a hands-on training in electronics, computer programming and above all, designing innovative project as well. Looking at the important role Arduino in undergraduate lab in coming days, we give here a cursory outline of using this device as a Data Acquisition (DAQ) system which we have implemented in the UG lab recent past.


Posted by Surajit Sen, Department of Physics, Guru Charan College, Silchar 788004, India and Associate of CASILab (Email:


The robust undergraduate (UG) program of an university system is the fountainhead of quality higher education. In the basic science section of such system, the laboratory experiment always lies at the centre-stage, which time to time has to be thoroughly revised to keep pace with modern development. Keeping that point in mind, over last few years we have undertaken some lab-oriented programs for the UG physics honours students. Our primary goal was two-fold: i) to introduce the methodology of `Error Analysis’ from the data which the students collect in their practical class, and ii) to familiarize them with the state-of-the-art Data Acquisition (DAQ) system by replacing the existing manual method. To implement such programs, we have developed a set of lecture-cum-demonstration methodology for the UG students. In the first part of this series, reported in the article `Error Analysis in UG Physics Lab’, we have introduced the students the methodology of calculating `Standard Error’ from their lab data. This issue, in general, is neglected in most of the UG practical books of Indian universities. Since last few yeas, the students are seamlessly carrying out the error analysis at the end of each experiment. However, to fulfill the second objective, i.e., to introduce the Data Acquisition technique, we need DAQ hardware and the computer-assisted expensive experimental setup which are not affordable within the budgetary allocation of conventional colleges. It is therefore quite challenging to design some DAQ-based project which the students can carry out in the lab with modest infrastructure and limited fund. `ARDUINO’ is an open source hardware platform which can fulfill that objective to a large extent and because of this attribute it is not only being by adored by the electronics enthusiasts, but also accepted by the academics, teachers and students across the globe (See for example, F. Bouquet et al 2016, S Edwards and G Esper 2014).


Discovered by Massimo Banzi and his co-workers in 2005, Arduino is possibly the most popular embedded hardware which is available at an affordable price with worldwide community support. In recent years, several groups from the physics community have started using this popular microcontroller based device to reduce the cost of their experimental setup. To get a cursory outline of Arduino, its classification and usage, we refer the readers to go through the PDF copy of my lecture. It is worth-mentioning here that, combined with a suitable sensor, actuator and an addendum device called `Arduino BREAKOUT’, it is easy to transform the experimental setup into much desired `Master-Slave’ configuration of a typical control system. In such arrangement, the collection of the output data from a given experiment can be easily controlled and stored in desired format by a computer program called SKETCH. Thanks to the Arduino Community, most of the Sketch Code and associated library files, both written in C++ language, are available in Internet. These public domain programs can be tweaked to serve the desired purpose with proper acknowledgment to its original author. The code is generally written on the platform called `Arduino IDE’ (Integrated Development Environment) which can be freely downloaded from the original Arduino community portal . This IDE enables us to write, compile and upload the code into microcontroller which effectively control the sensors and actuators of the experimental setup. Using Arduino-assisted experiment, the data acquisition can be faithfully done in one or multiple channels at a requisite time interval with reasonable accuracy. The data streaming is visible in the serial monitor of the IDE (or in freeware like TERATERM etc). Integrated with another useful open source software PLX-DAQ, the output streaming data of an experiment can be easily converted into LIVE graph in MS-EXCEL worksheet and the stored output can be also analyzed using GNUPLOT to measure desired quantity.

To carry out Arduino based experiment we need a PC in your lab. The total expenditure of such project is not more than Rs 5000 (Rupees Five Thousand only). The kit which you need to buy includes: an Arduino Uno Board, requisite sensors or actuator, suitable breakout, breadboard with jumper wire and power-supply, spare-parts such as LDR, IC, LED, transistor, resistance, capacitor, inductance etc. The functionality of Arduino can be enhanced by connecting it to a device called Arduino SHIELD and it can be even controlled remotely. In this way Arduino familiarize the students with the tenet of IOT (Internet-of-Things) which is the state-of-the-arts of technology. Making simple circuitry and programs, it is possible to carry out dozens of UG Project in a lab with modest infrastructure. Recently in our UG lab, the students have carried out following simple projects: i) To measure unknown resistance (capacitor) and verify the law of series and parallel connection of two or more resistances (capacitors); ii) To demonstrate live data streaming using LDR (Sensor based), iii) Using thermocouple device with a suitable Arduino breakout, verify of Newton’s law of cooling, iv) Temperature dependence of the velocity of sound, v) Determination of the Boltzmann constant using Arduino etc.

My personal experience of introducing the Arduino based project in the UG lab is following: `Tinkering’ is one of the most important component of science education which is missing from the undergraduate practical program. All new CBCS syllabus rekindles the hope of the introducing that component via Arduino within very affordable budget. Arduino helps the students to develop the skill of logical tinkering, ignite their curiosity and give them a flavour of innovation even within our conventional framework of undergraduate curriculum. In a word, its introduction is indeed a shot in the arm particularly for the students who are interested to take-up the 'Experimental Physics' in their research career.


* This article is a summary of my talk delivered in a workshop (1918) intended for the UG students and teachers. For complete presentation click here: PDF


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